Am I really good enough?
Whether triggered by the big name at the top of an application or a resume that looks a little too empty, self doubt follows a young professional like a shadow.
I’ve found this question lurking in my own mind as I have prepared for a big networking trip this week. I am traveling to New York City to meet with executives and hiring managers at some of the largest communication firms in the world and companies I admire.
With such a daunting challenge ahead, it has been all too easy to let my young age overshadow the great experiences and accomplishments I’ve already had. In my anxiety, I’ve felt unprepared and unqualified, though in reality I am neither.
Through reflection, I’ve had to remind myself that even the most self-confident, experienced and talented professionals have had this experience. All too often, we let ourselves forget that being young can be an advantage.
When companies turn to young professionals for a position, they aren’t looking for years of experience- they want fresh ideas, willingness to learn and passion. If there’s one thing I’m passionate about, it’s succeeding in my career.
I continue to learn new things about myself and my career path every single day. This blog will be a place for me to share my insights and reflect on my accomplishments as I continue to navigate the ever-changing public relations industry.
I can't wait to share with you what I learn this week! Thanks for reading!

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